Editor in jefe: Fabio Fabrizio fabuzzo-gabuzzo-Sussidio
dude, do you have a speech impedimente?


As fun as it is to make up fantastic, fabulous Fabuzzo fiabbe about the Gabuzzi, and play with the sounds these fables make as if upon a flute, we refer to the following reflection as the REALIST ROWLAND REVIEW.

As Lot Radio Journeys across to Times Square, We here at Vanity Fabuzzo are grateful for this journey of musical reflection, which we embarked upon thanks to Lot Radio.
We share it as an expression of our thankfulness.


December 9, Feast of Juan diego, We loved all the djs this week, from Jasper and JSP to Guerrero to everybody else in between.

The Mexicans advised Milk dud (who was complaining about ghosts) that even chistes hay que pagar a veces.
But this is not so much a chiste as it is a re interpretation of the song in a new context.
A whole week without yakking around in LRC!!! lol

Sunday Dec. 2.
It seems wrong to bounce toward the table to eat oatmea that somebody else grew and harvested without once again expressing our appreciation for all the Lot Djs of the past week, from Love Injection, Tehran Disco and Bottom of the Deck, and the crazy late night shows (we mean that in a good way).
We can't like you all on our finsta, (or is that Fenster?) but we can like you all here, and we do. MUA.

The breaking news on the Legend is as follows: in a desperate bid to duck the paparazzi and crash out into a wintertime doze, Lloyd simply disappeared.
Frankly, we can't blame him.

As far as Dexys, there seems to be enough material to write a thesis and we're not being sarcastic.
To think that we started our journey with the Lot when we got sick of writing Kanned Korn lyrics to White Iverson!
We're not being sarcastic here either. Life is amazing.
And so are the Celtic Soul Brothers, with the amazing fiddlers Helen O Hara (is that not the bossiest fiddle riff ever?) and the Emerald Express.

Here are the lyrics and the show, without further ado, and we agree with Rad Gamer and all their friends in the youtube comments, who said, Kevin Rowland is part of my family.
And so are you all, Lot Radio.

The Celtic Soul Brothers Dexys Midnight Runners More please and thank you Introducing the Celtic Soul Brothers and featuring the strong devoted, Ladies and gentlemen, would you now please take your leave. Because we've sat back looking and nearly been took, Even been scared but now I don't care and I'm telling anyone who'll listen. I've seen what's on show and now there's no more to know 'cause I've been there, I've been seen there, I've seemed it, dreamed it, Beened it, schemed it. Excuse me please, you're standing in my space, So step aside, now your time's up. Come on my friends, I would now like to propose a toast To the strength I see that's surrounding me and those who've cared, Oh yes, I've been scared and I'm telling anyone who'll listen I've seen what's on show and now there's no more to know, Oh I've been there, I've seen there, I've seemed it, dreamed it, Schemed it. You see I know this to be true, Now would I lie to you? And I'm not waiting for approval from you We're coming through. More please and thank you. Songwriters: James Paterson / Kevin Rowland

We continue to discover more of Dexys, thoughts and reflections made by the band which speak to our hearts.
We found a song called "Let's Make this Precious." and we post it here quickly in case it may be taken down.
The lyrics are below, along with a comment which interprets them --which we DO NOT claim credit for and we haven't heard celtic soul brother yet--, to assist our understanding of the live performance which is at 4:56 and following
(the first half is another song which apparently the trombone player came under fire for not being strong enough.)
And we will refrain from further commentary ourselves--"no need to turn it up--if its pure, says Kevin, I'll feel it from here."

we also found one comment which is below.

If “The Celtic Soul Brothers” is Dexys' mission statement about the music industry, then “Let’s Make This Precious” is their attitude towards artistic integrity – purity of spirit, clarity of instrumentation, integrity of meaning.

Pure, this must be, it has to be Pure, let's make this pure (Do you mean it?) Yes I do (Then let's sing it) Certainly, but First bare your hearts and cleanse your souls (And then?) Let's try and make this precious, like this Let's make this precious We're striving over here (Ever nearer?) I think so (Visions clearer) of course, of course But still we must forsake all to win (All temptation?) everything (for salvation?) now you're talking Then let this apply to all we do (And then?) Our striving will guide us And somehow I think that we'll win Let's make this precious First let's hear somebody sing me a record That cries pure and true No not those guitars. They're too noisy and crude The kind that convinces refuses to leave There's no need to turn it up If it's pure I'll feel it from here Let's make this precious, (I think we probably will) Let's make this precious, (I think we probably will)
Sliding out of the dexys Galaxy to check this live track of Redbone performing with the Drummer from WAR, which if you caught Couple Two Tree this past Sunday, you heard War singing A capella.
(Did you know that a capella means in the chapel? Neither did we. Guess it really is a soul session. lol )
So come on ahead with the Guardians of the Galaxy, and get your love.

Vanity Plate Fabuzzo discovered this track and decided to share it even though we haven't listened to the whole thing.
Update, it's actually in two parts and as to the conversation with the police officer about the nature of the offence, this could be the most fascinating thing we've heard in a while. A long while. lol
Is Rowland actually trying to communicate some kind of truth at a pop music concert? HOly Crap. he might be.
Give that man a purple heart.
We are not sure what it is about, but someone who commented five years ago thinks it's about coming off a drug high.
Whatever the case, doesn't it remind you of the evil witch queen in THE SILVER CHAIR by CS LEWIS who tells Puddleglum Eustace and Jane that there is no beautiful world, that the garbagey world she rules is "ALL THERE EVER IS!!"
And to that piffle, we say HA! THERE IS LOT RADIO!!!! lol

Dexys Midnight Runners – Until I Believe In My Soul 1 Comment0 Tags "Until I Believe In My Soul" as written by and Kevin Rowland/james Paterson.... Read More...Edit Wiki I'll need tonight to sit and think about this Think what to do. I'll take some strength to banish hollow sorrow. Hollow sorrow's nothing new. Just enough strength to last until tomorrow Until I believe in my soul. Tonight I lost sight of all purpose Despite all this trickery you told me was right. I was such a good boy I let you hold the door So kind, so nice, where's my prize? (That's all there ever is) Oh yeah yeah yeah? (That's all there ever was) Ah you must be fucking joking. (The same for everyone) Oh yes. Yes yes. Would you repeat that. Break it to me gently, Stand over there. Oh I know I was an arrogant boy but I let you hold the door Oh I was kind. I was nice, where's the prize? And I'm on the train from New Street To Euston. I'm going out to Harrow again And I'm trying to get the feeling That I had in nineteen seventy two. Oh but you're going too fast for me here, I'm saying, wait a minute there, wait a minute there Hold it, stop! Let me get this clear (That's all there ever is) oh yeah yeah yeah? (That's all there ever was) yes, yes. ha ha ha. (The same for everyone) Oh yes. yes. yes. You see I know what this is, I know What's going on here, this is just the difference between It's the battle between the body and the soul. The spirit And what's needed here What I intend to do now is I'm going to punish my body. I'll punish the body to believe in the soul, I will punish my body, until I believe in my soul Edit LyricsEdit WikiAdd Video Lyrics submitted by yuri_sucupira "Until I Believe in My Soul" as written by Kevin Rowland James Paterson Lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC Lyrics powered by LyricFind Add your thoughts 1 Comment View by:Highest RatedMost RecentOldest First 0 Song Meaning This is a song about drug addiction, coming out of a high into a low ("hollow sorrow") the author question whether that's "all there is" and if it's the "same for everyone". The author knows withdrawal that it's "the battle between the body and the soul" but in the end he will keep punishing the body, until he will perhaps start believing in his soul. tdgon June 04, 2013 Link No RepliesLog in to reply
In case we don't get to record a track today, in case you missed the "broken teeth" show last night with the "on my way downtown crooked smile" guests (and yeah we missed it too but we'll hear it later) we do have this part time punk reflection for your Sunday soul review.

In the slowed down version of THERE, THERE, MY DEAR, go to 4:00 and following to understand that Rowland has been searching
Robin says he can see that.
Then Kevin says, his concern after over two years of searching on his quest is that Robin is no longer listening.
He sobs for four minutes, then by 8:00 he says, I've exhausted my knowledge on this subject, I hvae no more to say about this.
We still don't really understand this but at least Kevin doesn't stuff the question under his mattress with the dough.
He does, indeed, let his anguish all hang out.

There There My Dear Dexys Midnight Runners Dear Robin Hope you dont mind me writing, its just that theres more than one thing I need to ask you. If youre so anti-fashion, why not wear flares, instead of dressing down all the same. Its just that looking like that I can express my dissatisfaction. Dear Robin Let me explain, though youd never see in a million years. Keep quoting Cabaret, Berlin, Burroughs, J.G. Ballard, Duchamp, Beauvoir, Kerouac, Kierkegaard, Michael Rennie. I dont believe you really like Frank Sinatra. Dear Robin Youre always so happy, how the hell do you get your inspiration? Youre like a dumb patriot. If youre supposed to be so angry, why dont you fight and let me benefit from your right? Dont you know the only way to change things is to shoot men who arrange things, Dear Robin I would explain but youd never see in a million years. Well, youve made your rules, but we dont know that game, perhaps Id listen to your records but your logics far too lame and Id only waste three valuable minutes of my life with your insincerity. You see Robin, Im just searching for the young soul rebels, and I cant find them anywhere. Where have you hidden them? Maybe you should welcome the new soul vision. Songwriters: Kevin Archer / Kevin Rowland

Yes, this has been a journey of gratitude this week,a journey from a Tiki island to a pilgrimage to search for the young soul rebels.
Some of us have been formally introduced not only to Dexys but to Jackie Wilson, Bill Withers, Geno Washington, Yorkshire, Leeds, and a mysterious person called Robin who apparently has hidden the Young Soul Rebels,
"Robin, I've been searching everywhere for the Young Soul Rebels, I can't find them, where have you hidden them?"

In an unexpected later version which we present below, the band slows down the tempo (maybe so more people could understand what is being said) and Kevin accuses Robin of ignoring his suffering "You're always so happy, how the hell?" (actually Milk Dud has oven been accused of this.) and also weirdly, of musical hypocrisy: "I don't believe you really like Frank Sinatra".?
He then demands that Robin listen to him, though Robin "would never see in a million years", admits that he has exhausted himself on the subject, and begins to do barefoot pushups.
We're not really sure what all this means, but maybe somebody does.
Thank you for your courteous participation in this musical review, the first of its kind for Vanity Fabuzzo.
Remember, we always love you.
If we disappear, it is only to do barefoot pushups and seek the Young Soul Rebels.

Thanksgiving vignette anedotale: For the moment we set aside all intellectual critique as the heart strings of Dexys tug upon our own in this festive season.
We do not comment on whether Rowland was high as an asteroid when he recorded the track below, but we note it is entirely possible he was only tripping on the soul of Geno Washington, whom he refers to as his "bombers, my dexys my high".
Any rate, it conjured this story in our minds.

The Gabuzzo tribe, having feasted all day and drunk an uncountable number of barrels from the San Martin's harvest of who knows what year, were all passed out on the warm, centrally heated floor, or was it the hay in the stall, in a toasty tribal pile where it is difficult to distinguish fur from finocchio from fottere (fottere is one of those Sicilian words, so crude, so backwoods, but read CS Lewis THE FOUR LOVES for more academic information.)
They felt especially satisfied at having incinerated several incomprehensible and contradictory Federal indictments in a marshmallow smores fire, and were snoozing blissfully with smiles as wide as pumpkin pie, dreaming whatever dreams gabuzzos dream.
And so it was that Rdot did not rise in time to make the doughnuts, nor did Pie man.
whereupon some hungry doughnut deprived cops, seeking Black Friday overtime so they could buy twinkly gadgets, and viciously jealous of the lagnusos Gabuzzos,
decided to wreak their wrath and vendettas of the Ninth circuit upon the pile of snoozing buzzi.
At five a.m., a firm, insistent, law enforcement rap was heard at the Gabuzzo door.
What followed can most appropriately be apprehended by listening to this track:

Acknowledgements: The staff at Vanity Fabuzzo always likes to give credit where credit is due, and not attempt to pass off as entirely their own what is in fact the work of many.
Therefore, we must give credit for this issue's cover to the Disney series, A PAIR OF KINGS, a story of two kings from a Tiki island,
which we used to watch with glee and gladness, but which some of our readers may never have seen.
We also give credit to the Irish ensemble band Dexys Midnight Runners for the album Young Soul Rebels, which was the inspiration for this week's featured audition track.
We freely admit that the lyrics of "Come on Lloydski" are practically boosted verbatim from the original score of Come on Eileen, which we will review below, and that we only tweaked them to fit our own use.

Critical Review: Rowland's frizzy mop of black hair may not measure up to the fantabulous heights of NYC dj POSITIVE REALITY, nor are his dowdy overall trousers on a par with the sartorial must- haves of A PLACE TO BURY STRANGERS.
But the man can howl, yowl, and screech, and that befits a Young Soul Rebel of any time, any place, any tribe or nation.
For those who may believe the band gets their soul from tripping on chemicals, it is worth noting that while Dexys is indeed named after a drug, according to Wikipedia, Rowland eventually instructed the band to go running together as a group activity, and forbade them to drink before shows.

One thing that is almost always obvious in Dexys is humility and the spirit of gratitude and honor.
Never one to be stingy with his gratitude, on the signature track GENO, Rowland places the crown of soul laurels on the head of his musical mentor, Geno Washington.
He remembers hearing the soul brother as a child and feeling a kinship with him that he believed was hidden:
"But they never knew like we knew, me and you were the same."
He feels though that Geno has lost his way."but now you're all over, your song is so tame.
You fed me, you bred me, I'll remember your name."
Is he suggesting that Washington somehow sold the Young Soul Rebels out? Did Washington ever react to this statement?
We here at Vanity Fabuzzo are not familiar enough with this history to give any kind of opinion.

But is it possible that Rowland reproached himself for yelling at Washington?
Presumably, Washington had encountered many unexpected obstacles in life that may have obliged him to modify his idealism, tweaks that Dexys may have unfairly seen as unforgiveable compromises.
"Old, are you ridiculed and turned away?" Rowland wonders plaintively on our next track, called simply, "Old".
"I thought as much."
As is usual with Dexys, they shoot straight from the soul.

Next we proceed to Come on Eileen, which is clearly a pick up line, (or is it? To be more precise and clear, who is being picked up, or lifted up, and by whom and why? read on for a new take on this.) if elaborate and set to a well-tuned orchestra, giving Rowland what some neandertals might call the home cave advantage.
Indeed the promotional video would seem to back up this hypothesis, as it depicts a weary Eileen rolling her eyes at Kevin as she and her friend push a baby stroller down the drab industrial street.
But while Come On Eileen was the greatest commercial success the band had, it may have been a capitulation to market share more than a true representation of what Kevin was really trying to say.

Let us step to the side for a moment in our Irish two step.
As the neandertals emerged on the evolutionary plane, it is interesting to note that they were beginning to walk upright as opposed to being half bent over, with the skull more level with the entrails, and dragging their knuckles along the ground.
The spinal column, while forced to carry the rib cage and skull, was straightening out.
Thus, the torso of a modern cro magnon had the centers of thought above the heart, which again was above the guts and entrails.
What might this mean?
A man or woman who sits on a horse might be likened to the centers of thought directing the guts.
But what decides where the horse will go?
Ideally, according to ancient philosophies from which Freud perhaps had only extracted certain skim, the heart would do this
(of course Freud may never have shovelled horse manure, so he didnt know what it smelled like.
Is that why he was so damn discontented? It might be interesting to look into that sometime, even if it would be difficult to time warp him back to Bubba's back forty so he could clean out the stalls.)
Then the head would figure out how to get there, and the guts would provide the energy.
So Third Grade, in a way. So obvious, yet so elusive, so simple yet requiring so much of the human spirit.
Seen from this volcanic mountain, where Frodo and Sam looked down upon the roiling plain, Come on Eileen is not perhaps the greatest representation of the Dexys repertoire but instead the "lowest common denominator."
And it is easily adapted to any form of desire, including the desire to use a common friendship to make a positive change in the world.

Continuing our review, one much overlooked gem in this collection is "I couldn't help it if I Tried".
Here, with his trademark howl which is somehow raw and honest without being barbaric, Rowland asks the audience to "point out that someone who thinks like I see",and beseeches the souls of famed Irish playwrights Brendan Behan (the Qua Re Fellow) and Sean O'Casey (or George Bernard Shaw)to come to his aid, presumably in the quest for a Gaelic identity after centuries of confusion. It's worth a listen.
Be careful, though-the references to Irish heroes have been redacted in some versions without explaination, possibly because few people outside of Ireland are familiar with these subjects, and therefore many listeners may not even realize what the author was trying to communicate here.
The version below has the references at about 2.50. Enjoy.