
UPDATE dec 18. 2018.

I will be using the name Madison from now on.
My name is Madison.
Milk dud is my nickname.

Happy bD Pope Francis, believing his birthday was yesterday and did you know he used to be a nightclub bouncer?
Yeah so he might come in handy when people get nasty but there are just a few things to clarify after saluting all the djs, from FT to DBG:
ONE: ORPHANS. is not me, it's everyone. Who doesn't want love, warmth and security? It makes you mad right becuase there is a trade off, you have to give back love and wamrth and security. You can't just sit around and take, you have to give.
But, Jesus himself said, "I will not leave you orphans" and then he promised to send the holy spirit to be with us, always.
If you don't believe that, that is certainly your business. I do believe it, however.
Jealousy--cain and abel, you mihgt want to think about that, snce abel was not mentioned that he was better looking, more wealthy or more popular than cain.
Cain got jealous for no reason at all.

As for secret societies, As I said many times before, there is no secret society , What ?
The whole gabuzzo thing grew out of me missing the Padrino who used to sing all the time.
The first show I saw was CTT because it was Sunday when music is most on my heart.
Music, again, is like the Holy spirit, it is a consolation which he taught me to use if I was ever sad.
So this fall when got internet again I poured it down my throat like water, because I needed it. I was thirsty for that and maybe I overdid it a little, who woulnd't?
If you need a biblical reference for that too, how about "On the willows there, we hung up our lyres, for our captors there required...of us songs..and our tormentors.. mirth." Its from GODSPELL.
I did text bb because I thought he was like the chat room bouncer, maybe he isnt' but it was an honest mistake. He is there all the time.

UPDATE DEC. 2, 2018.
Why is it so bad to say that?
Are you people jealous? HOLY GOD please explain the world to me.

This is a message to say that Maddy Milk Dud Gabuzzo is not going to say anything in the Lot Chat room for a while, until the ghosts get whatever it is out of their system.
Someone once used an ID I had (which I gave them because they said they were going to fix my cell phone or whatever.
because I tend to be a trusting person and jealousy is usually not my biggest fault but I would never give my id to anyone again),
to trash talk all my friends and make it appear that I was the one doing it.
Because I guess they were jealous of me or of someone I knew. had no idea why, still have no idea.
So, please know that Milk Dud is not going to say anything in LRC from this point on, one pm on December 2nd.
Its almost 100% that someone is going to pretend to be me, but not for fun, for some kind of weird envy or malice, toward me or someone, maybe toward the DJS,? so weird.
You can't even deal with somebody loving the DJS? Hello? Why dont you dj and then you could be one of them? Which is what my crew might do sometime if we can.
But that person or persons probably do not know how to get into this page, and if this page is breached at least I have control over what is posted here and I can take the stuff down and put it up somewhere else.
But BTW it is SO Uncool to wait until I have ish to do and and can't be posting in here all the time, and then go in there and mess me over,
You can't even stand up to me? I'm a lightweight. Geez I hope you never have to leave your house, homie.
Somebody tougher than me might be out there walking their dog.

UPDATE NOVE 28 2018. OK. PASSWORD. so the password thing was a joke. The password is respectthefamily all lowercases.
It is not intended to let some in and not others, it is like the password to Moria. SPEAK FRIEND AND ENTER.
SECRET SOCIETY? The Gabuzzos (==garbanzos, and yeah that was the hook that got me originally because that was one of the main things I ate, garbanzos, not to be hip and vegentarian or whatever but because they are cheap if you buy them dry and soak them ok you can live for weeks on a few dollars) is not a real gang, obviously (although gangs do protect people at times but if you have other resources you don't need that), but it could be a family of love if we want.
AGAPE love, as in AGAPE, which doesn't require money or sexual favors.
O NO did I say sexual favors?
that's right, so whoever the ghosts are, get real.
You want rented skin, u know u can get it anywhere, whoever you are, just like drugs.
Because poor people are hungry for food too, not just for sex and the skin trade is big, big business.
but that's tragic that you would waste your heart on the skin trade when you could burn with a reaally hot fire--AGAPE, the greatest hunger of them all.
CODE, HOW TO LEARN IT? go on a tutorial. neocities code is simple, its free,
Once you know html you can lift code from mostly anywhere, just not php code which is managed by the people who maintain the data, like NEOCITIES for example.
As a matter of fact if you lift too much code then the page becomes a dumpster fire liket his one.
So now I have to go back and learn to write code systematically, not just lift it.
ITALIAN? Yeah, I know some I have heard some, look on Google translate for the correct spelling. huh.
FRENCH? The movie TAIS TOIS is free too, even though if youtube gets a grip on Paris they will take that joy away as well. yeah, they will. Aaron Swartz wrote about that.
Then we will have to make up our own Ruby and quentin.
So, listening to people sometimes, and to stuff like that over and over again and you dont need to understand any of it to see that the big guy Quentin is a loveable hick who is driving the other guy Ruby crazy.
you can see that without understanding any French at all.
That is all. Good bye.--Milk dud, the milkdud is for madison and has no other hidden meaning.
(quote of goodbye from Kevin Rowland, Dexys Midnight Runners).

So hello, this page is for everybody and honestly I had no idea naybody was going to read any of this, the Boosting Bugattis thing was just the funniest thing I had ever heard in my life, so thanks to Richard prior, to Couple two Tree to Nick to Gal and to Biker Bob gabuzzo!!
The gritty idea was a misunderstanding and just wanted to clear that up. I had forgotten about the Malaguti character, he came into my head one morning when I was reading the back of a NONNI biscotti box and once again remembering the Padrino, and the whole idea of flour sacks and bakeries and hair was my way of consoling myself! And having a laugh at fabio's expense seemed ok becuase Fabio is funny, at least to me, he always looks so serious in pictures that it makes me laugh, and I knew he would never see it and I had no idea anyone was giong ot read it except me. And as far as hairy guys named carmine carrying snicker bars, it came from for some reason someone showed me this picture in the chat and I said "that guy is hot" and they go, tha's a real person from a show called Verne and Shirley, so --it turned into this joke, like this existential joke, "why is Carmine hot?" and coincided with the "what if" idea.

And then I imagined carmine walking around with snicker bars and a whole load of people following him, like with Jesus in the desert...like, they gathered up the snicker bars and milk duds and it all filled twelve baskets, but I never wrote about that ok.
So then today I was reading the family tree and it hit me that the Malaguti character might have been misinterpreted so I took him out and I meant no harm to grit, to Fabio or to anyone else. Love, Milk dud.