Milk Dud says HEY
We mentioned Leon: The Professional as being the namesake of Leon's Landslide. It's not a fun film to watch but it tells the story of Matilda, a little girl who wants love, and Leon, who in spite of everything, loves Matilda in the best way.
"No greater love than this can a man have, that he lays down his life for his friends."
But-how could a hit man be a martyr? --Those familiar with the story of Jesus dying on the cross will remember the man dying next to him, the "good thief" who was promised Instant Paradise. The words of Jesus to the dying criminal, quoted by an eyewitness: "I assure you, this day you will be with me in Paradise."
In the "upside down" world we live in, the character of Norman Stansfield is quite possible. *But thanks to Jean Reno, the character of Leon was shown in such a way that we can understand.
If you are curious about the story, watch the video "This is from Matilda" by Alt J.

If you are a believer, please pray for all the Gabuzzos at this time, especially beginning this week of September 17. The Gabuzzi need prayers at this time, and will surely pray the whole family!!!
If not a believer, simply follow the lead of Jersey Casino-Gabuzzo, and send buenas ondas, y buenas vibras. Gracias.

*As further information that the world is upside down, Padre Pio was once arrested. And furthermore, so the story goes, he would have been transferred out of his home and maybe never been famous, had not a man with a gun jumped on to the altar, put the gun to Pio's head, and shouted, "If we can't have Padre Pio, No one will." Human love-human loyalty. Flawed, but Fubabbulous.