What in the name of Gabuzzo is Leon's Landslide? We assure you we are not tripping nor slipping in the slide.
This story is true.
Leon's Landslide predates the Gabuzzo Gabagool, and began as nothing more than a simple attempt by certain refugee Gabuzzos to find a safe place to stay.
The original name was Double U, which came from the idea that a W, or yoke, could have Jesus in one side and everyone else in the other. For my yoke is easy, Jesus says, and my burden is light.
THe elder Gabuzzi understood this, since they had often ridden atop oxen with yokes decorated with beautiful flowers.
Over the years, the yoke became heavy as the Gabuzzi had a civil war of their own, mostly over whether or not to sell drugs.
They watched in grief as drugs and greed for money destroyed their neighborhoods and families and the generations of labor that had given them some measure of social and material stability.
The beautiful land they had lost or sold to buy pizzerias thus came in the end to nothing as narcos took over the cash flow and the streets became unsafe.
Priests like Fr Guido moved away in fear and Churches, the lifeblood of the Gabuzzi, became empty and closed.
Some Gabuzzi had fled post war violence in Sicily and the destruction of their fields and orchards. Others were fleeing civil war in the communist takeovers of Latin America. Still others had similar problems within the US.
Later the name Double U became Valanga di Vita, and from there, was translated into English as Leon's Landslide, in honor of Leon Montagna, the professional who gave his life for the life of the young Matilda.
A W flipped over becomes an M, which led to MONETINE MONDIALI or worldwide cash, which is the most pressing need of any Gabuzzo.
A monetina became a pizza--

The below link leads to the homepage of Leon's Landslide of Life which is an educational foundation recognized by the federal government.
Please keep in mind that unlike the Gabuzzo page, this page is dealing with a very real problem and is quite serious.
The page has offended and discouraged many people due to its discussion of mental disease, even though the goal is happiness and hope.