This is the legal explanation of the true and legitimate Gabuzzo Corporation. It is very legal, and technical so go slowly and pay attention and don't expect to get it all at once.
We are not going to write it all at once either because it makes our minds very tired.
We aspire to economic and social equality but that sounds a lot easier than it actually is.

Many people in our world are refugees from the disintegration of society.
This is an inconvenient truth, but one which affects everyone.
These people could be from the so called Third world, but more often than not they are from the United States, people who are forced out of their lives by greed, by indifference, or by violence of one kind or another.
In some ways, these people are just as bad off as immigrants, and maybe worse off in some ways.
But they share with immigrants the reality of needing safety.

This is a backstory. One friend in our crew was a salvadoran refugee who the crew had sprung out of detention in a legal manner by bargaining down his bail and then collecting it from his friends and family.
The gabuzzos simply called the officer in charge every single day and said LOWER HIS BAIL LOWER HIS BAIL LOWER HIS BAIL until the cop said OK OK OK OK OK so yeah its not always bad to have a mouth as big as mississippi.
And the weird thing is, those immigration police have authority to lower bail without a judge.
Anyways, His life was in danger from trying to save kids from street gangs. A good example of where drug lords often go to recruit innocent, solid kids is seen below.
Someone took those videos in Librino (but the story is always the same) and put English subtitles on there.

so someone tried to record the MS 13 who agreed to give interviews if their identity was hidden.
The interviews were recorded on a cell and saved on a computer and uploaded to youbube,
but the computer was stolen along with a flat screen tv and several other devices while the crew was hanging at the beach. (this is a long time ago some details may be off).
In order to warn the crew, a can of goya strawberry juice one of htem had been drinking was moved and placed as a sign.
Also, a priest was jailed and then fled El Salvador and disappeared in Spain.
Some of the crew were members of anonymous and stole government files detailing corruption.

The Crew then called the salvadorans' church, a baptist church in the US, and asked to use their tax ID to get a free camera so they could repeat the interviews in a safe venue, to explain to an asylum judge just exactly how dangerous the situation was.
The church was terrified and said no.

We can't explain everything that happened to the Eagle right now, but the crew filed a habeas corpus or something, idkw, in federal court, and told him to deliver it himself, which he did.
But he was deported by the police while waiting for a hearing
(which if you think about it carefully is a denial of due process and the Declaration of Independence doesn't say all CITIZENS are endowed with rights to liberty, it says ALL MEN, and the last time we looked, Salvadorans are people too),
tried to come back in, spent a year in a bordertown jail where he became very sick but on the bright side met a guy who was educated and spoke both languages, and studied his head out with the law books he found in the jail, so although he had never finished high school, he eventually made it to court where he was able to present his case and a judge said he had not in fact been deported. HUH.
Of course the judge bullshitted to avoid responsibility for violations of human rights which nobody and no country really has the resources to stop unless we all work together.

The story of Eagle was only part of a larger story the whole crew was part of.
Some of us are refugees not from civil war but from members of our own families or neighborhoods.
We all needed a way to plead our cause legally, in safety.
So in October 2014 (milk dud had sort of just started paying close attentionto legalese at that point) we formed a SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP but then we found out, you had to have a corporation to be tax exempt and do charitable work that was recognized by the government.

So we filed papers in Delaware three or four times, because the Gabuzzos all know, Delaware is a good place to have a corporation. Even Zuckerberg knows that.
We said that the purpose of our company was to fight sadness by an interactive education.
and when they kept rejecting the paperwork, we paid $200 to some company to file for us.
They formed a DELAWARE NON PROFIT CORPORATION in spring 2015
A mexican guy, another friend who has never been to the US and is not afraid of the Maras, and also has a diploma in agrigulture, agreed to be the director for another few hundred dollars.

PHASE THREE: FEDERAL TAX EXEMPT STATUS. We then filed for a tax exempt FEDERAL id, which is called a 501c3 tax exemption. We kept calling every day, and were told that July 1 2015 was our first day of federal status.

HOW DID WE DO THIS? HOW DOES OUR MISSION FIT with the requirement of providing some public benefit?
In order to be exempt from paying FEDERAL INCOME TAXES on any money or goods you receive, you have to show that you are providing a public benefit.

Well, the amount of money spent on Mental health is the number one health care cost in the US.
And the amount of money spent on the drug war? HUGE.
Forced Immigration? Another huge outlay.
And ultimately, the crew never would have come together, they were really brought together by civil war, the drug trade, the disintigration of civil society, by mental illness and by domestic violence.
So it's not hard to see, that fighting mental illness and its consequences is a huge benefit to the public.
We talked a lot about educated people who fought sadness with peaceable remedies, not with drugs or guns but with Gardens and philosophies.
And we put together a program anybody could use if they had a cell phone.

BANK ACCOUNT April 2016.
Ironically it was the Eagle who opened a bank account for the corporation, since he had been granted permission to stay in the US until another country agreed to take him (so far no one has) and was granted a work permit and a taxpayer id.
The bank demanded that tax payer number and a physical address in the US, so the Director couldn't open the account but the Eagle could.
And he agreed to do it, declaring "I owe my life to the gabuzzos and I will be glad to be their treasurer."
We bombarded Oscar Romero with prayers as bank after bank rejected the Eagle, until capital one agreed to open the account.
By April, 2016 the account was up and running and we had a safe way of holding money anonymously, which for people whose lives are in danger is a very big deal.