Dear Dr. Books and Dr. Daze, I do apologize for the lateness of my dissertation. I do assure you that while I often mock academe, it is not malicious, but only to get you all down off your high falooting thoroughbred horses. By way of proving that my studies are adequate to receive the degree, (and I hope you can prove the same to me)I quote the following sources and if I continue to have cherry hurl insomnia which I have never been plagued with before, I will add to this: Italo Calvino, if on a winter's night a Gabuzzo Umberto Eco, the Name of the Rose (colored maserati) William Shakespeare, A midsummer daze dream Art in Medieval manuscripts: THe books of Lells (most people believe it is Kells, but actaully it begins with L for a total of Three Ls) The works of chekov including, the three Gabuzzos, the cherry and fig orchard, and Uncle Valentino James Joyce, Fusco's wake and Fucci's Funeral

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