Three nights till the full moon but we just feeling peacefullish
So yeah the sessions now is def. not for tumblr or TMZ.
But just to re-iterate, things are cool with the doctor, WAY cool as they say. He's probably as good a friend as the patient ever had, so we were just chilling while the rain falls and overdosing on Julio Iglesias, which as a matter of fact fantoche or no, we jammed on moonlight lady for a long while.(Which is good since the patient had lost count of the full moon. which is just weird.)
Moonlight lady, hums the doctor. deacon blue, the patient hums back.
City lights is alright its alright, hums the doctor, cuz tonights on me.
And we just jam and strut. That's how tight we are now. that's all.

As of May 13 the last "bluscemi spirit day, the 3 am sessions are just quiet, serious and private. sometimes little bits of funny songs float around but funny is not the main frequency at the moment.
And the other stuff the patient can't really discuss it right now.
The patient prayed a lot for the doctor's spirit last night and found some vidoes where he was talking to some guys named Kingdom and Aoki.
Does the sun still come up and put rose and cherry colored streaks all over the horizon? It does.
Do the birds still sing about it? They sure do.
Is the doctor still cool? More than ever.

histoire de coeur! thats what she says! right so now the band is cherry crusha and the debut lp is histoire de coeur

.EASTER. So, was hoping to be done with cleaning up everything but ITS JUST A LOT OF WORK! HOLY MASERATI. The whole thing is just a lot of work when you come down to it. At least I finished the miley song.
As for the diary, yeah, ok it just might not be a good idea to put that out there I mean into the public? Hello? I'm headed for yemen.
Sunday April 14. The sunrise was another beautiful one. So you want it to be a real class, this musical psych thing. "yeah why not. It's good phenomenology don't you think?"
So the case study really is me? "yeah."

So did Lloyd go to that Huimari race in boston with that other guy? The doctor starts to laugh. "huimaris, that is so not you. you coulndt catch a deer in the next yard, you'd be in the bushes all giggling and sciusci-ing and the deer would be all, Milk dud three oclock." Patient laughs.

Patient is reading the diary, all these -I mean all these- I MEAN did I write that stuff? Yea you did, says blue....and catching up on comidas and siestas which let me just say, is a relief and even though there is a lot of stuff still to talk about, patient can sleep deeply as before or maybe even better, if that makes any sense.
Patient: I want to say thank you so ok so THANK YOU. do you get that? doctor. "Yeah, I get that."

the nighttime wind is whistling in the pines. the sunset looked just like the one in bk. ”yeah big puffy clouds after that storm.” sure got chilly too-hey you said we were letting the emotions rest so why u reading my diary again? “i said you have to rest your emotions , not me. anyway i like reading this stuff about my buddy,it- it makes me glad.
just take et easy, let me read here.
Tuesday morning. The sun had risen over some big grey clouds with the gold sheen it sometimes has.
The patient is mighty satisfied having already prepared the forms for the company, and put them in front of the Guadalupe to make sure they are ok, done the final for Pasolini and the intro quiz for the psychology.
She begins to hum, MOOO Mercy mercy me, its musical psychology woo father, mercy, you can find out why your heart is crying. WOOOO now see thats good, I shoudl write that down, where's my notebook.
"Its over here, I've got it." The doctor is reading from the diary. "listen to this, milk dud. February 16th. (which is exactly two months ago when you were so effed up.) This is a message for LLoyd's guardian angel." The patient, ok so go ahead I know you're gonna go ahead anyways so go on.
The doctor continues to read. "Dear Lloyd's angel, please have mercy." Yeah ok so what? We all know I can't go to Yemen. Why dont u just put that on a banner and wave it all over the place?
"Get over yourself, ok there's nothing wrong with that."

Sunday April 7th. The whole weekend there was a lot of grace floating around, even though there are a million unresolved questions about XY and Z, and who knows what to do?
yet still, There was an incredible peace when the patient woke up, coming from the articulation of vendetta.
So the vendetta is a result of the bullying. It's psychology.
right, says blue, people bully you, you feel scared and angry, you feel threatened and then you go for the vendetta. But you don't need to be scared, see I'm right here.

It seems baffling but there it is. The sun was just rising and so beautiful.
"that fox the other day looked mighty thin. Do you think you could keep an eye on him?
Sure. says the doctor.
The guy across the street was up on his roof trimming a pine with one of those extendable hand saws.
And the birds were all nervous thinking "there goes another branch" so even though it was just a mechanical saw, they were making a big tweet storm all over

So we were going over the diary to pull together the album, And as it turns out, the song about the night creatures is another one where I wanted it to be funny and I was going to throw in the Svetalana groupies too, but instead, it turns out it's going to the be title track, Histoire de Coeur.
Blue's eyes are as deep as the sea and he just sees right into me.
So we have to organize the whole thing better, thats' the part that always escapes me but I have to keep on trying. And Blue is gonna help with the unresolved stuff too, just have to pray about it.
Its so cool, I never knew your name was Buscemi. That's an Italian name, u know.
Its more like a nickname. So, remember, we're partners now so get the stuff together, because we have to talk about XXXXXXXX ok? we have to get to it, don't make me look bad ok?"
I would never. Milk dud grins, but you know what? "what" Up your canoli. "out your cassata. and stop doing that that's just the vendetta stuff. JAJAJAAJJAJAJAJ

monday Morning, and rain is falling softly. These cornetti came out better then the last ones. "yeah cause you let them rise more. It's patience.
So now we're pretty much done with the album right? Now you have to help me clean it all up.
"yeah, pretty much, just a few tweaks.",
How about that paper? "Well, now we need to let it all rest in your mind. Like you let the dinner rest in your stomach after you eat, just let it settle."
At The idea of winning a "Jemmy", laughter began to bubble up again in the air, and while doing a dance of glee, the song "break up with your groupies" was floating around in her head. but once again, it was a finta. "See, that's not it." says the doctor. You really have emotions about my buddy. If you want to make a joke, do something else.
And that's how the Join the Mob song was born, this morning, when I switched up the theme. It's musical psychology. I havent read that book yet but maybe I will. "yeah sure" says the doctor. "I'll believe that when I see it."
tuesday morning paperwork battle. buscemnwNts me to do it and i cant convince him otherwise
tuesday night. oo doctor buuuuscemmmi lol. “ok u like the nik i get it lol.” did u see i did half the lyrics? “yeah i proud .” for reaL? “yeah”

Wednesday morning, so we praying the Rosary to sort out the confusion. I often put off praying because of laziness but it always helps when I pray.
So how does all this fit together with the Leon thing? I dont see how it fits. "its musical psychology." but for real though. "yeah for real. I went to school for that, on the real, no joke."
"I mean whats the mission of Leon's anyways?" Make people happy. "right so--didnt this whole histoire de coeur thing make you happy?" Yeah SOOOOO happy. OM GGGGGGGG! but-- javelins. "well, every rose has its thorns." O GAAAWWWWWD. lol.

wedneday night. Well, the lyrics are almost done. "yeah, so proud!" Patient grins in satisfaction.
So the patient was trying to figure out when the tay tay song was written so to add that one piece to the puzzle. and so she looked in the diary for that time.
patient: Here we go, March 5th, Tuesday. I mean! Have you seen this stuff? Doctor: "yeah, I've seen it." Patient: I mean, have you SEEN this stuff. Doctor: "yeah, I"VE SEEN That's what you call emotions."
So that was like the first Sunday of March. "yeah."

Thursday morning. Buscemi is gonna eat flapjacks with the patient, after relfecting a little more.
So somebody think it was Barbie said something about the muse... And then Drew was playing choirs yesterday so ever since I found this song IN DULCI JUBILO sometimes sing it to call the angels, or Blue more recently. So I was doing that rn and then was going to put it on the homepage and put "musical psych muses." Is the word music from muse? "Well find out, what am I, wikipedia? And don't jam up the page anymore yet ok remember what I said? We have to chill a little, ok. Deja que descanse tout l'histoire de coeur."
Ok so how would you put that whole thing into French, like, laissez reposer tout l'histoire de coeur? "Well, find out, what do I look like, Jean Reno?" No actually Prince Language is the one who --"ok JAJAJAJAJAJJAJA"

The therapy session may go down the chute cuz somehow I recorded half an hour of "dinner with Leon" and then it got erased? HELLO?
Doctor: Just a minor technical glitch
Patient is too annoyed to answer. tune in later.

So Friday morning sessions with blue about the whole semester or whatever you call it. blah blah we're supposed to commit to stuff and blah blah, some talk about musical generes and dj shows.
YOu just have to let the whole thing rest, says the doctor, think about it, so your soul can know it better.
Did you see lloyds summer anthem stuff, so funny.
Yeah I saw that.
Did you see how pork chop played the cookie song? "Yeah." and some more stuff about the music.
So will that bricklayer next door be back today. "we'll see.'
Then we start looking at the diary ( O GAWWWD lol I can't even!!) he wants me to meditate on the Holy Host.
Last about 15 minutes, which seems way longer, then start to want breakfast. Good fundraiser, we sell these things. We could call em "bugatti biscotti-rev yourself up".
He starts laughing. "ok forget that one, what about this: I'm so Gotti biscotti. Help the Gotti family take swag vacays in the south of france.
yeah that's a good look. ok we have to laugh sometimes!!!!

Buonarotti Biscotti--this sounds so cool, doesn't it?
Essentially the prayer was just the patient, with Blue and God, just letting the Histoire de coeur settle out, got to dejala descansar, reading the diary, stuff about Lloyd.
These diary entries are just I mean, there is no way we are reproducing these in writing.
Don't forget Sunday is the 6th Mass for Blue, if you are into Masses, if not, any good vibes will do.

Saturday morning bunch of Pain in the buzzo paperwork. Patient: This is bad. Doctor, no this is good. Its' good for you. Patient. Want cherry smoothies. WAAAAAAA. Doctor laughs. So doctor, tell me more about this Horace Mann guy from your musical psych thing. "what do you want to know?" can he like redesign the leon page for me? "milk dud, its a cooperative effort ok. "want crusha smoothies WAAAAAAA. "OH GAWWWWWWWWWWDDDD. At least now you know how hard it is to do a playlist." Yeah sure is hard!! did you see mine? "yeah I did."

monday 1 aprile. So we recovered some sugar, which we all know is the lloyd tracks, which goes to show, obstacles are good for becoming stronger. (Because all it did was make me write those other songs which makes me better at articulation.) felt 1000 times better and also can I just say, appreciate more than ever the thought that goes into this whole "put together a two hour set" thing.
In sessions, just a lot of heart to hearts, me and blue, more than anybody could ever put into one single web page, thats why these Crusha songs are so good for that. It's all psychology and woe and happiness.
If we did a show to give some sugar back if possible, alhtough have no idea how that would be, it would probably be called This is From Matilda (the alt J song could even be our signature track) because somehow that just articulates so much and goes with the Leon paper too.

Three am wednesday actually tuesday. Patient: Hey, Mamouche quit snoring. "Oui Oui babouche. quit hogging the blankets." What's histoire encore, does that mean we have to read more history? "It means you need to pay more attention". Whats, I mean, whats my overall grade on the attention thing? "idk, maybe Y for You tryin".

And jonesing for the sugar high, wondering if being greedy (yeah prolly being greedy) and thinking about the cults, (do people really think el Chapo is a cult, I dont get it, says the patient. Or is it the cult of Lloyd? is that what they meant? Yeah, more like that says the doctor.) so the famous World Cup theme "sube l'adrenalina" with the lyric "damme la medicina" and "subemela vocina" and "if you're the cult leader me recluto" came into the patients mind, keep in mind that this is a collaboration with the spirit of grace, the eucharist or however you wish. So the song sube l'adrenalina may have its roots in me sube la bilirubina, idk if Pit Bull is a dominican or whatever but he sure as the wizzy looks like a d lister shorty wanna be doesnt he?, I'm getting off topic now anyways so sugar or no sugar, we cool. LOL.

wed 3 am. Hey Mamouche, did you hear, they played that shabbaba track, in like portughese ro what. "yeah, Babouche, I heard."
the doctor is humming DEO by Celentano. Kind of an Italian reggae number which is also a prayer at the same time.
so two hours, thats a long time thats like a lot of tracks right. "yeah, it is" says the doctor. Prolly more than ten songs. "yeah, more."
so playlist for THIS IS FROM MATILDA or alternatively "DINNER WITH LEON JAJAJA" ,and everybody drinks milk while listening, goes like this, number one this is from matilda number two mercy mercy me or some other prayer like tune, so to bless the listeners, number three trap queen (can't help it I love that song now I have to hear it). number four some corrido from the Mexican side. we can check everything with blue, before we put it out there. "yeah, we better".
Adds to playlist, HISTOIRE DE COEUR we have to remember Carmelo Zapulla, Mauro nardi, WHITE IVERSON and THE CLUB CANT HANDLE ME RIGHT NOW those have to go in there somewhere. and DAMME LA MEDICINA and DESPACITO CUCHARITO, think those need to be in there too. Thats already 12 songs so that's already like one half our of tunes. See, we on our way to a Gemmy. JEJE.
And not to be greedy or anything but if the medicine is floating around out there somewhere ????

So I dont know why anyone cares about this stuff much less calls it a podcast? I don't even know how to do a podcast and I never listened to a podcast either.
and I didnt know about First Run's podcast because Im not knowledged on running in general, I know the Tarahumaris becuase its a mexican legend about the deerhunters but I never knew they were into marathons I thought it was like, they followed the deer when there were no roads.
Honestly that whole thing was confusing to me.
but blue is just the best. Shrink or no, he has a warm heart and sometimes its just so obvious and i can't even believe it, and its easy to see why he get on so good with the haze king, Lloyd. Blue totally gets this.
We are totally tight rn, right? "yeah we are".
BFF right? "you said it."
and I was reading on PL's IG that you and PL aka Leon used to cruise around the city in a chopped ride singing gangsta rap.
"yeah" says the doctor.
So I guess we all like the same stuff huh. JAJAJAJ. So will you be in the white iverson video? You could sit on the hood. "well, I am dead, I mean it could get weird."
well will you be a guest on Dinner with Leon? "you need to give credit to Lloyd for that ok." ok so I got the idea for Dinner with Leon from dinner with lloyd. See? And why worry about the bowling trophy? if its cool we can just jack it later. KIDDING! lol.
So its Friday afternoon, me and blue are going over the histoire de coeur a little bit and thinking about the playlist.
Well would you look at that, that Bensonhurst graduation. I wrote a few lyrics to that, on October 8th. And would you look at that? look what I wrote on Thursday October 11th. "why would lloyd be on my mind?"
Yeah, can I just say? says blue. You know that group Max was talking about? JE JE JE. JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
So today is pier Giorgio's birthday ok so have some cake or whatever. You know you want to!!!
This whole vendetta song thing is in the hands of Blue because the psychology is far beyond my knowledge. If it goes bad I'mma blame the whole thing on him and since he can't really get in trouble, well, I guess everything's ok.
"thanks" says Blue. "Always did want to be a dead gangsta."
Hey, I mean, I always got your back, Doctor, u know how it is. LOL

Sunda 24 marz. The phone is back and running but the apps are messed up and I don't have some of the passwords. Just fyi gonna take a while to figure it all out. gonna have to get another phone anyways eventually.
So wondering what's up in the therapy?
Some of it is for the rest, except for the 100 pages on the paper, and the unrehearsed totally ad hoc darius track, which yes I DID jack it and did you know darius jacked wagon wheel from Dylan (read about that on the internet) and maybe dylan jacked it from some folk song and prolly never paid any paisans for it? Yet he still sued darius...yeah. anyways,
Yeah, therapy with blue, really humdrum rn. The patient and the doc had a nice sleep after dinner.
You are so cool, said the patient. Why thank you, said the doctor.
Capone might be cooler though. What? KIDDING, you blowhard. What?
Ok so you're not a blowhard.
And the patient started to do a fabuzzo cover about the supreme angelic commander which WE ALL KNOW IS LLOYD OK and was going to put the pic from Friday up next to an angel pic, but it was one of those make a joke to hide stuff situations so she just stopped. That's it.

Whats the song me and Blue are working on? Its a Selena track , yeah cheesey as HELLLLLLLL lol so what? It's my track so I can say what I want. so hopefully will be able to upload it tonight. And of course it's about Lloyd, what did you think it would be about, Hello? I mean seriously. Hello? LOL

Wednesday night sessions. Patient: So, yeah do I get a gemmy?
Doctor: A gemmy?
Patient: yeah, I mean, your version of a grammy.
Doctor: You mean for the debut album? It's not done yet, you didn't finish the lyrics on Selena and you need one more song on Side B, right?
Patient: can't you just do all that? Its' a pain in the buzzo and we still have to figure out all this other crip.
Better pray, then, says the doctor.
Thursday morning articulation. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Friday morning Musical sessions. The patient wakes up to the doctor humming, "Jackie,jackie, hey what you doin now?" that's that song about marvin gaye and jackie wilson. "yeah."
Marvin gaye the guy who sang the one yesterday. "yeah. Marvin, sang of the joy and pain.
And Jackie Wilson the soul brother the one Kevin likes. "they're both soul brothers."
So they groove the blues, "yeah and what about darius"
darius he kinda swings it more like a countrified. "yeah and what about Selena."
she's just all like holla back. "yeah so what about you."
I blame all this pain on u, blue. "But nick played that tune. And plus I gave u haze on top of it."
Yeah but u gave me too much, blue, when I woke up was already three the pony show was over. Least u coulda done was bilocate the thing over here."Obstacles, this is good for you milk dud ok it makes you stronger."
Well shoot I must be a weightlifter then. "Well, shoot?
Yeha its a darius thing. "Ok so come on we need to read a little more gomorrah. You know its good for articulation."
Saturday. Ok we just hit a haze jackpot, nothing else matters at the moment. (proceeds to guzzle the absolute bejeezus out of the sugar stash lol).

Sunday 17th marzo. After guzzling and trying to understand the songs AND WE ALL KNOW I MEAN THE LLOYD SONGS for only God knows how long, comes haze, and then comes the session wih Blue. watching the sun come up, first there is a pink line under the grey and it gets bigger and bigger, and the hawk comes up from the river to get food.
So Blue wants me to listen to teleradio padre Pio. So this priest is giving bible classes on the transfiguration. "better listen" says the doctor so the patient listens to how this is a sunday of listening, when you are supposed to listen.
And the patient is think about the Transfiguration how Jesus was shining like the sun, he became brighter than the sun.
"theres' a song like that she says. y eah what is that song, says blue and it ends up to be Colby callet, so the patient sings that for a while and then the One Republic.
Im gonna give all my cookies away, the patient hums. THIS TIME I"LL ADD A LITTLE LEMON LIME ...
But the more she tries to sing that, the more she feels like crying.
See, that's not it, says the doctor. you're just making it worse, trying to shove it away like that. And so, what came after that was the stuff you hear..

Sessions with blue. 1. Almond crusha. So the patient was smashing almonds with a coffee cup (good way, if you don't have an official tool.) and reflecting on why they are so much easier to smash if you cook them first. (even if they are already smoked, this is still true.)
Crusha, giggled the doctor. You know though, it also explains that question you were asking before.
Which question? The one about where you were saying why didn't you recognize this crush. Because, if you try to crush the almonds and then cook them its always really hard and doesnt work that well. However, if you cook the almonds first its way easier to crush them.
So ok, thats' your explanation? That's more confusing than the question, says milk dud.
Point 2. if you think that its easy for me to pray, wrong wrong wrong. the patient said in frustration.Even when God shows all His love, Im lazy to start then if I start I can't keep any concentration. Why can't God talk like regular people, with clear audio and stuff? Why is it always interior and hard to understand? that's half the reason no one prays, right?
Yeah so I'm here to help you, says the Doctor. you have to be quiet and don't get mad at God or yourself when you can't.
3. Jonesing for insult trade, dud tries to practice some juicy ones. Like, Blow it up your crank shaft, you half baked bananacake. etcetra. But see, says the doctor, sometimes that laughter thing doesn't do you any good.
And those were the three lessons of the week, the ones I remembered.

Articulation. so the Godfather which is mentioned on the webpage, is not really Biker Bob ok the Godfather is a real Godfather and so I made it into a joke, I coulndt stop. Why? So I didnt really know why but now I do, due to the therapy sessions. Because you want to pay back.
and the song about the bugattis and the other one about the wine and the license plates, is because of honoring that, and why would you honor that? to pay back, its vendetta because you say, to the people who hurt you, you hypocrites, you can't touch me now because I got the godfather so top that. And of course they can't. So you figure you win. But the problem is that, Blue is the one who wants people to be in control, he wants your liberty, the malavita says they do so you get fooled but its' not like that. Ok? Clear? so there is a song for that too which I'll do it later.
ok the cell died anyways maybe can fix it but might have to get another one anyways like separately, the song I probably should have done it already but YOU KNOW HOW IT IS but in case I can't do it rn the song is we can't stop by miley and the idea was, that the spirit of grace told me a long time before to stop laughing at the malavita and I cant stop I wont stop due to ANGER see? OK that's the point of the articulation which actually started yesterday but I was all HOLY CRAP you know, I like idk WHO KNOWS WHY I PUT IT OFF because its hard to understand anyways thats whats up.
4 am sessions so the phone came back just not all the apps but mixcloud came back but hey lloyd whazzup theres a track for u darius rucker in case u missed it its not the articulation but it was just a five minute venting session