Say you live in Holly Hill, Roses by the River, or Mango Mountain. You know what you do--love the earth The more we love the earth, the better off we will be!
A word about botany, agriculture and related disciplines. We can look at Wellesley College for guidance simply because that was the intention of the founder. There is a growing body of research devoted to the effects of gardens on mental health. It was decided to make Wellesley College into a sort of psycho-botanical experiment, not only to cultivate and study the plants in the gardens and greenhouses, but the psychological and physiological effects of these on the people who lived there. The results of these studies are documented at length in academic and scientific journals. Everyone has their own opinion about progress but some have argued that the sale of land along the route passing by the college (the route famously used by marathoners on patriots day) was a concession to what the modern day countrymen of Juan Diego call the "mancha urbana". Maybe whwat we need is a transcendental Don Quixote, Man against La mancha. If Thoreau had lived nearby he might have saved the whole area by writing a transcendental essay about it, although perhaps he would have been critical of the great attention paid to the landscaping of the grounds. Tolkien might have had the trees strike back in some way, by occupying the medieval bell tower on campus. whatever the case, levels of anxiety apparently have risen as the area of "the garden" has been reduced.
This page really isnt that different from what it was...Actually Juan Diego is kind of a Gabuzzo in the best sense of the word, since some theories hold that the derogatory slang used to refer to Italian immigrants, "dego", is a slur of "Diego", given the fact that all brown people were assumed to be both Catholic and ignorant. The madonna didnt seem to think that, though.
Assuming of course that the story is true.
"Nor wars did men molest, when only beechen bowls were in request". Would you take the Walden Woods challenge? Could you live as frugally as Thoreau? We are building a showcase of the "gastos" of the Guadalupe gardens, we do not wish to shock the "gringo" population, but could you live on less than $12,000 USD a year while remaining on your feet? (even provided that rent is paid for in labor).
I IARDINI DEL ANG AGLIARDI ABUZZI Dica "ammazza che odore d'arance" ed entrare Y
There is no requirement that you believe in angels, but if you don't, some of the history of Engelblau College won't make any sense. Neither will the celebration OD REST YE MERRY, ANGSTAS: A VERY BIMINI CHRISTMAS WITH CARMINE ABUZZO where Carmine gets over his frustration at being exiled out in the sticks, and exults in the fact that you can grow just about anything in a place like Bimini. Or is it Rimini? jiminy Cricket? Anyway, we got our triple G after all, it's just G for Garden, not $1000. you can listen to the song GAUDETE for free on youtube in various places
If you happen upon this page, or upon pages such as "the republic of gabuzzo", or references to the "gabuzzi" or "fabuzzi" while browsing, Please understand there is much material in the archives of the valanga that cannot be reviewed properly even in a month! The three main pages are still in neocities as ilvangelovolcanico, urielu and engelblau. The "Gabuzzi Tales" are a creative writing project based in part on pre historic tribes that lived in and around the volcano of Aetna, in Sicily, and how those tribes were affected by the empires of the Greeks, the Romans, and later, the christians and the moors or "moros" as they were called. Students of geology and anthropology will be interested to note that these tribes risked and continue to risk living on an active volcano because the soil there is so suited to agriculture. This gives us a window into how the earth was formed. Additionally, the coding in some of these pages while enthusiastic and colorful tends to be a bit haphazard. As there are hundreds of pages, it will remain so for some time. Thank you! Enjoy your time at Engelblau.
10/27:DANTE'S TUTTI SANTI (AND TUTTI FRUTTI) DAY OF THE DEAD DEMONS VERSUS DJS DROPATHON, from mefistofoles to baal, the musical war wages on
Saturday november ninth, the blu moon is rising. Lot Radio original gangsters are out at the chiminea. REMEMBER REMEMBER THE RAVES OF NOVEMBER AND FIRE PITS DOWN AT THE LOT YEA COLD BE THE SEASON, AND YER NOSE MAY BE SNEEZIN IF THE FIRE PIT WERE FORGOT
FAQ: Why Philologists and lovers of ancient tongues have discovered that Gabuzzo long thought to be a dialectual variant of Garbanzo, is actually a contraction of Gang Gagliardo Buzzi, The Strong Band of Buzzi, named for the mother of Pope Leo the thirteenth, Anna Prospera Buzzi. Leo's love for his mother who died untimely morphed into a record 11 enciclicals on the Rosary of the Mother of Jesus--aka The other Leon's list-- and a deep devotion for Mary as the Mediatrix of all graces. Leo was descended from a Count, hence the obsession with castles, and he was known for battling the devil, hence the reputation Gabuzzis have that they are "not to be trifled with." Also, Leon "the Cleaner" Gabuzzo was, scholars speculate, named for Pope Leo due to Leo trying to "clean the demons out the church" much as leon cleaned the streets of new york albeit in a more genteel fashion.
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS 2019. FAQ: why are the Gabuzzos in Bimini? (of course, B is made up of two Ds for Day of the Dead. the game of letters is always fun always free.) AFter long listening to engelblau, it might be because Bimini sounds a lot like Rimini, a place where Saint Anthony did the miracle of the ciucciu. LIke Jude, Anthony is known for millions of amazing miracles. Be as it may, To make Rimini into Bimini, simply adjust the R. To make Bimini into Uriel U, simple turn the B to the side and it becomes the Yoke of the Double U. And of course, Double U is also a letter, W, which is made up of two Vs, for Valanga di Vita. or, Vangelo Volcanico. Yes, the Gabuzzo Godfather (Geppo gabuzzo) loved to play with letters, as if they were toys. Was it due to illiteracy? who can say. Still who can refrain from laughing? LOL As for calling the company triple G, there was an existential logic there which was never realized until now: Gandalf, Geppetto and Giorgio: Godot's Good and Generous Guidi per Governare la Gioiosa Guarigione di Giovani come Gennariello.
Regarding the Gabuzzo webpage complex and how it needs to morph into something manageable, Muses who were meditating on musical matters, made a Massive Multifaceted Mess of Madcap Magnificence, which must be mopped up according to Messianic Mandates. That means, blame it on angels. Is that an ancient Greek pass the buck strategy or what? This mess is totally not mine. Zeus made me do it. LOL. Meanwhile its' time to mangiare. Ok ok ok.
One possible sympathetic spin on the Godfatherish Gabuzzi is that they resemble the mythological southern italian characters, Il ragazzo di Via Gluck and Serafino, (the latter having been made into a movie) popularized by Celentano, totally out of place when separated from the rural landscapes they called home. As Pasolini would say, those who destroyed their home with bulldozers and indiscriminate development should be charged with crimes.
DJ tribute wall. Let's do this. LOL. YES, THE GABUZZOS HAVE YIELDED SOME CYBER TERRITORY TO THE BUZZI (apparently the last name of Pope Leo's mother. Life is just too weird. We hope you enjoy this webpage. This of course was the original page of the "warp" trilogy which includes little vanya, fetty and the Garbanzos. it has now been baptized or "whitewashed" in the Jordan river, and as such tends to be a bit "free flowing" Please do excuse the clutter. A word about money and the "music industry". Music seems to be too much about money which excludes those who have no money. Since we are internally displaced refugees who escaped and left all our dough with the violent ones, we sympathize with this. And economics is part of our investigation. Music, the foundation of education: is it a crazy idea? Maybe not. We're going to continue to investigate it. This college is based on the idea that education relies on listening, not just hearing. To have a university you need academic credentials and that was our aim. Originally it was based on stars and astronomy but we could never agree on a name, should it be Sundog U or Astron U or Galileo U, and then it became ENGELBLAU and URIEL. NOTE: The Holy Name of Mary, the priest has this to say: God intervened in her life, changed the plan, gave her a new name. So it doesnt' just happen because of some bad thing. God intervenes to give us a plan that is better than what we could imagine on our own so there's no problem to adjust the name and direction of the project, to be more truly directed.
QUESTION: Is a musical foundation for all kinds of human hope legitimate? If the proposition that "music is the best teacher" is true, than phenomenology should be able to argue convincingly in support of this. In other words, does human experience support the theory? The theory was supported by Kandinsky who was not even a musician, (although he seems to have been a little bit extreme in his idea that artists were the top of the pyramid, isn't pride a dangerous thing) and Tolkien who likewise was not a musician, but loved poetry, ended up with the Silmarillion. The publishers rejected it as being too "out there", something nobody could relate to so he wrote the Lord of the Rings instead which a lot of people relate to. He left the creation through music theme aside. POINT: The disciples did not record what Jesus looked like. They wrote down what he said. That, was what they considered to be important and they all died to prove it.
THIS GOES ON BLOG PAGE: don't bother to apply if you're not willing to perform a shameless Taytay, Miley, Ariana or Selena mashup, while Mercury is in retrograde, or else on the night of a full moon. Just kidding. I really really wanted to do a Billy Idol cover, Jay Z or Rixton but Youtube just wont connect.
DANTE FACILE FACILE PER VOI CLICK HERE which we're gonna find in English don't worry keep calm and dante on. We really should have a big dante exam like the LOTR one just for fun. Who's Who at Engelblau: Board of Regents: Engelblau, "the Dean". Offices located at --whats the most prestigious address on earth? Number one madison avenue bwaaaa. JAJAJAJAJAJ XXXXXX: "the provost" (is this a real word?) Offices Located at some humongous castle along the Amalfi coast or else maybe in some island with perfect weather. "the dean" and "the provost" communicate through engelvine. Frankie V has a satellite division at Geneva where he brokers treguas frequently (or is it frequency BWAAAAA) due to fact the love bomb arsenal is over in idk where should it be. Have you ever wanted to attend an ivy league school so you could drive around the oceans in a tricked out yacht, but just didnt have the cash? Didn't feel like doing the dance? We've got you covered, at ENGELBLAU!!!! You can tweedle your thumbs in style around here and then act like you know jack, when you don't know jack (actually no one knows Jack that well, he's a bit shy, to be honest.) Best of all, everybody is just as off the squash as you are! You can thrive in our completely galactic environment, without fear of being a scemo. That's right, at ENGELBLAU we love you!! There are six other L words but you can learn those later! Learn! Later! LAwD!!! YEHAHAHHAAHH